Harry's Current Status: on hiatus

Harry has spent over 30 years working on digital transformations of different companies at first leveraging SAP and Oracle, before discovering Salesforce in 2003. Since 2003, Harry has work closely with businesses to drive process improvements with Salesforce technology - first simply helping moving customers to the cloud, then improving processes with automation and strong data up until current day leveraging AI. In 2009 Harry founded GearsCRM which became a leading Salesforce partner over the 13 years that Harry led it as CEO. In 2021 GearsCRM merged with two other Salesforce partners to form RafterOne where Harry was part of the leadership team for over 2 years. At the end of 2024, Harry retired from RafterOne.

2025 will be a new chapter for Harry where he plans to return to his first passion - writing. After some well deserved downtime, Harry will begin working on multiple books - both fiction and non-fiction. He plans to remain active in the technology space and looks forward to providing guidance to companies and partners across the ecosystem.


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most recent Story: ISOLATION

Written right before I founded Gears, this is the first short story I've published. A bit on the darker side (but most of my short fiction tends to be), it's about two men stranded on a hostile planet struggling to handle the isolation. Thanks to my son Harry Radenberg for the cover art!